Madly in love. Simply put. Madly in love. I got two sisters from Leslie — Westiny and Wednesday. My best friend got one of the brothers, Felix, and we are all neighbors. I have to admit that I am a cat lover and I always have been. But until now, I adopted cats from the shelter and I never knew what I would get — a feisty one, a friendly one, a skittish one, a loyal one or a people hater. I am all for adopting cats but this time I decided to go with the Maine Coon because my friend convinced me. I am so glad I did. My girls are incredible creatures — both on the outside and on the inside. They are friendly, smart, durable, majestic, patient, and not skittish. They get along with everyone — from little babies who bother them, to two pesky Havanese dogs that live with them, to the bigger dogs that come to visit. They are not afraid of things — they look at plastic bags, the vacuum, my brother’s big dog, and say to themselves “no one can mess with us, we are queens, we will just lie here confidently waiting for the chaos to end.” I can always find Wednesday sitting by the kitchen faucet waiting for someone to turn the water on for her to drink/play. I can always find our pleasantly plump and super soft Westiny seeking out my third child to cuddle with him — she adores him for no specific reason. Don’t get me wrong, they are still cats — you can’t make them do what they don’t want to do and when they want attention they are undeterred. But I love this about them. I can say that once you have gone Maine Coon, I don’t think you can ever go back. If I could get more, I would, but my hands are full with 4 pets and 4 kids. One day, I know I will be back for more because I never plan to live without a cat in my life.