I love both of my boys

I love both of my boys so much, Sterling is three years old. He’s a blue tuxedo and weighs in at 19 pounds. Copper is six months old and I think he’s a red silver and I haven’t weighed him yet. Their personalities are total opposite but very loving cats so very glad I found … Read more

We had such a good

We had such a good experience with Leslie when we got Quinn , we went back and got Rocket. He is an energetic active boy with a great sense of humor. He follows us around and gets into everything. A typical redhead he keeps us entertained. I would only get Maine Coons from Leslie. She … Read more

This is our first Maine Coon

This is our first Maine Coon from Leslie. Quinn is a wonderful handsome healthy boy. A delight to live with and such a good companion. From Sue Gardner